Explosion In Choueifat

A suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt boarded a taxi van in Choueifat yesterday and blew himself up.


These are the charred remains of it.

This was a bit too close for comfort since we drive down that same road once or twice a week. It’s still unclear whether the explosives went off by accident or the terrorist wanted to wait and get off at an intended target area. 2 people were wounded and only the bomber was killed, which is great news, if you ask me. If suicide bombers would just keep detonating themselves and leave innocent citizens out of it, that’s one less vile human on this planet.

I really liked Interior Minister Marwan Charbel’s statement to Reuters: “The situation in Lebanon has become connected with the situation in Syria, and the explosions will not end in Lebanon before the war in Syria ends.” Nice to know, Mr. Interior Minister, that we should be expecting more violence.

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